Events overview
All events at a glance.
11 MarCafe Kyiv in Berlin
Prof. Gelinada Grinchenko presents the book “German-Ukrainian Stories”. Dr. Gerhard Gnauck moderates the panel “Holodomor - a bitter lesson for Europe”.
28 JanGerman-occupied Ukraine in the Second World War (1941-1943/44)
Panel discussion: Prof. Dr. Gelinada Grinchenko (Munich/Dnipro), Prof. Dr. Oleksandr Lysenko (Kyjiw), Prof. Dr. Tatjana Tönsmeyer (Wuppertal)' Moderation: PD. Dr. Kai Struve
22 JanSeminar with Oleksandr Lysenko
World War II and the Modern Russian-Ukrainian War at the Intersection of Methodological Highways
17 Oct—18 Oct